Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy January is over!

This month I have had a string of health issues. It started in December with my heart doing the fast Atrial Fibrillation which means the top half of your heart beats (quivers) faster that the rest of the heart. My heart rate would go up around 148 and down to 130 beats per minute. I went into the ER and they gave me medicine to slow the heart down and as long as the heart doesn't keep doing this for more that 24 hours then in came the Gen. Practice Doctor and he prescribed a beta blocker and a thyroid medicine and released me back to work. He said that if it keeps on happening after this then they would explore other options. Now fast forward to January and I needed to have my 5 year colonoscopy done. So in one week I was diagnosed with the A-Fib heart and the scope confirms that I have Ulcerative Colitis. It's only a 5 cm portion but the Gastro Doctor explained that it would be best if I took medicine for the rest of my life. So this confirms what the military doctor tried to tell me about 3 years before I retired. Of course Micah has UC full blown but I had a Sig done while we were living in Casper. That doctor didn't see anything so I must have not been flaring up at that time. Ok, I have it, it just means I believe the doc's now and Micah and I have more in common. Then I've had this persistent head cold going on for over 5 weeks. I've tried various meds but it keeps staying with me. Well, then last Sunday I was up waiting to go to church when all of a sudden I get hit with what felt like a muscle spasm or strain in my back right side lower area. I chalked it up to the normal I wake up and somethings hurts for some unknown reason. At church it hurt so bad I felt like crying a few times. Then Sunday night I could not sleep more that 2 hours because of the pain. I tried various positions, chairs and beds. No luck. I went to work where I somehow made it through the day and again Monday night was tough, only 2 or so hours of sleep. Lari got me an appointment with a doctor who said that I'm now passing a Kidney Stone. Very painful for those of you that have not experienced this before. The doctor told me that I would just have to wait it out. He gave me pain killers and something to help it pass. So a week goes by and I'm peeing into a strainer and hating every moment. I was having a really hard time sleeping and even with the pain killers I was in constant pain. Finally on the next Monday I go into the doctor again except the Dr I saw is not in so I get my regular doctor to see me. He agrees that I need to see a Urologist and get this over. He gets me right in and the Urologist takes a look at my Cat Scan and pronounces that I'm not passing any kidney stones. Really! So what is going on. He says perhaps a pulled muscle or rib. Okay no more peeing in the strainer. Whew! So, at this point I'm headed to a Chiropractor. I head to one the next day and he agrees that I'm out of kilter (I admit what else is he going to say! New patient! Yea!) So he adjusts me and after a second adjustment I'm sleeping better. By the following Monday I'm pretty much pain free.

Now a point on painkillers. I hate them! Since I was taking one quite regularly I had a few episodes of upset stomach due to the medicine. Three times losing whatever was in my belly in the process. How in the world do these people get hooked on them I have no idea. I mean really? The way they made me feel was no picnic. I many times preferred the pain vs the way the pills made me feel.

Finally a point on my sweetheart! She was great taking care of me! Isn't it awesome when someone loves you and will take care of in the middle of the night. I'm a very lucky man.