Thursday, May 28, 2009

In the Beginning

Why am I doing this? Not from any need to be noticed or do what everyone else is doing. I feel it's an opportunity to show pictures of the love of our lives (Our Grandchildren!), be connected to those who are interested and to express how we feel about the things going on in the world. I realize there are lots of people out there expressing themselves in many ways via Blogs, news articles, letters to the editor etc., so in my way I want to have an avenue to get somethings off my chest whether good or bad. It's great when you get older and you feel like you can finally say what you mean and know that it's okay to have an opinion. Now, let me say that I will not allow vulgar or just mean things to be said about someone, it will not be posted. Free speech is what I will live and die for but I've come to understand in my long life that any discussion can and must be civilized and with some kind of decency on how we talk about topics that are bothering us. So, with that said read, enjoy, disagree, agree, laugh or not view this blog again but be grateful you have been born into the world at this time. Make the most of your time while on this earth, do something good for someone else, each and everyday! For those of us born in America be grateful you weren't born in a third world country in abject poverty. Basically, I try to just BE NICE! Why not? What does it hurt? Effort! Perhaps but think of the effort we expend on some of the insignificant things we do sometimes. Being nice doesn't cost anything. Just a bit of effort. So with that let's get started. Shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good to me... let's be nice. Can't wait to read whats to come.
