Back to work after the Fourth! It was a strange day. I couldn't get in the groove yet I pushed through as always. Last week
Mamaw flew home with her new cell phone and she is enjoying having it. It should make it easier for the family to stay in touch with her. I drove to Casper in my truck with Sara and the kids in her car. The trip was to bring back the last of her furniture etc, the sale of the house fell through so she is in a hard way. I wish we could help her out but we are doing all we can to hold on as well. I stayed Thursday night and had dinner with Micah and we then went to see
Transformers 2. Good movie, loved the military aircraft scenes
especially the B-1 dropping ordinance, felt that in my back side. Micah like the Megan Fox scenes, I don't blame him. It just
isn't right for someone to look that good and not be married to Micah. Yep, I'm pulling for a
hottie for Micah. Gotta find a way to get that son of mine to
SLC. I stayed the night and was gone at the crack of dawn. Grammy and I unloaded the trailer and paddle boats all by ourselves. Not bad for folks in our "later" years. Saturday Grammy had to work until midnight so Martha and I drove to the base and found a spot that must be fairly popular with the base folks as we were able to see the entire valley and fireworks from the base to
SLC. Pretty cool. Sunday was different as it was just Grammy and I. No kids to watch after. We were able to hear every testimony.
Now on to something I promised Micah I would do. For the past few months Micah has been telling Grammy that he is learning that the commercial side of the economic downturn will be the next thing to hit. Then a month or so ago a short article from the Business Week magazine we get said the very same things. I can only hope that things will turn around but I will leave that discussion to Micah. I spent Thursday night with him showing me YouTube videos and talking about the economy. Yes, he educated his
ol' man a bit. I'm grateful he is interested and wants to learn and track this stuff. I hope he can put it to use some day soon. Anyway I wanted to give Micah a chance to tell us all some of what he is learning. So here you go Micah explain away - educate us! Please respond to what he says if you are interested.